Which do Nigerians value most: Money or Respect?

Published on August 23, 2017 by

Fluorin YP asks people on the street of Lagos if they preferred to have 20million Naira or the respect of 20 million People.

Money is of great value all around the globe, Respect however is not an exception. The crave for money and respect varies from person to person for different reasons. Nigerians picks the one that rocks their boat in this interesting street gist.

Battabox Sends Fluorin YP out to the street of Lagos to find out from people if they would rather have 20 million naira or the respect of twenty million people.

Here are some Hilarious comments:

” If i have the money and i utilize it properly, more than 500 million people will hail me”.

“If one dies without having money, the person will not make heaven”.

“I will go for the respect of twenty million people”.

” i will rather have the money, if i hear respect who respect epp”

“Na twenty million i go pick, with my money people will respect me”.

What do YOU value more?

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  • Pascal TV 7 years ago

    See, I want people to remember me even when I am gone and I also want to be rich. For instant Nelson Mandela, Chief Moshood Kashimawo Olawale Abiola, Mohammed Ali have both that’s the reason the world celebrate them today. Please having only respect can’t bring wealth to your generation. The both are important

  • Ekundayo Thompson 7 years ago

    Money comes with respect. How come the billionaires are respected its because of money. Twenty million people wouldn’t know me without money. Eg Bill Gates is known around the world because of his fortune

  • miss_damy 7 years ago

    We were waiting for his own answer jor… 😒😑

  • Hao_93 7 years ago

    20 million isnt a particularly large sum of money anyway so i’d rather have the respect. guess it is a pretty subjective question though, who are the 20m people that are going to respect me? we talking bread sellers or world influencers?

  • Capt Nookie 7 years ago

    Twenty Million, Not a lot, but will still go for it… Sod the respect from the dead weight Twenty million pple, Who would respect you if you are wretched and poor?

  • Capt Nookie 7 years ago

    Hello Fluorin YP, you said at 0:38 you will let us know your opinion later in the video but You didn’t.

  • Melan Models 7 years ago

    The RESPECT of 20 million people!

  • Jay crazielips 7 years ago

    1:36 is foolish

  • Slick Rick 7 years ago

    If you have Twenty Million who respect you, collect a dollar from each and you have both.

  • AUXILIARIES AUX 7 years ago

    money doesn’t bring respect but only gold diggers around you that can kill you anytime….if you have money you are surrounded by fake people pretending to respect you
