Should The Nigerian Government Increase The Minimum Wage?

Published on May 26, 2017 by

The minimum wage in Nigeria is N18,000, one of the lowest in the world.

That’s right, the Nigerian government genuinely feels that Nigerian men and women can have quality of life with a monthly salary of N18,000 in 2017!!

Last year, Nigerians asked for an increase via a proposal of N56,000 and N90,000; however, the figure hasn’t shifted from N18,000.

In the current economic climate where goods and the cost of living has doubled and in some cases risen even higher than just half, Nigerians are even more desperate for the minimum wage to increase but will the Nigerian government hear the cry of the people?

BattaBox decided to ask Nigerians how the feel about the minimum wage. Here are some of their answers…

“It’s unrealistic compared with the cost of living in Nigeria,” one man exclaims.

“If you look at it from every angle, it’s not fair enough,” another states.

“Obviously it’s very wrong. You can’t go to school for four years and come out and still be earning N18,000,” a young lady explains.

How do you feel about the minimum wage? Should it be increased?

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  • Maddy Osa 8 years ago

    Well it would nice to raise minimum wage but the thing that needs to happen first is that we can get more nigerian to work and engage in the national market. If we just raise the minimum wage that will lead to products and service so as to counter the cost of paying more. TO stop that it would require a large number of potential buyers and people can only buy when the sustainable income thus job. So at this time it is not wise to raise the minimum wage

  • Spider Man 8 years ago

    This is one of the craziest parts of being a president. Sometimes, the people demand ridiculous things and you as a sensible leader should be able to put politics aside and do what’s right. Some foolish presidents just appeal to the people because they want votes. If we say we need a minimum wage increase because of the depreciation of the Naira, that makes sense. But Nigeria didn’t just experience a currency devaluation, we’re also in a recession. Meaning businesses are producing less (AKA less revenue). So if you force a company that’s making less revenue to pay people more money, it’s only two things that can happen: 1) They’ll ignore the new minimum wage and pay whatever they like, or 2) They’ll sack people (which is already happening without a minimum wage increase) because they just don’t have the money. My solution would be to get the economy back to growth (something like 7% growth) before we start to talk about minimum wage increase.

  • aokusman1 8 years ago

    How does a human being live off 18k a month. A cheap meal of amala will cost at least 300 naira. what about transport, light and other expenses.

  • JACK JACK 8 years ago

    nigeria FG no get money. they don’t chop finish

  • Jonas Briggins 8 years ago

    Raising the minimum wage comes to the direct expense of the lower class due to companies raising their prices. It is not the way to fight poverty.

  • dj massie 8 years ago

    That’s sad that the senators and such make so much money , when the people over there are hungry and suffering ! I live in the USA and no one goes hungry here , some say their is hunger but I know all the places you can go for food they give enough for a week then you can go back every week ! call food pantry plus many other programs for food here . I love Nigerian people I wish Americans were more like Nigerians in many ways ! The girls over there act like ladies not like many girls do here ! I could go on and on but I pray for all in Nigeria for their lives to be easier !! God Bless !

  • Audetube 8 years ago

    Hi battabox, please when are the series of nuts about cakes coming back?

  • Izoto 8 years ago

    Get a host that can actually speak English with at least a shred of refinement. That aside, given the insane poverty rate in Nigeria, raising the minimum wage would be a good start.

  • alexander sanchez 8 years ago

    even 50k is too small with the current situation of naija .
