Rape In Nigeria

Published on January 10, 2017 by

Rape is still a taboo in many parts of the world, especially Africa.

People don’t like to admit it, speak of it or even acknowledge that it exists.

In some countries, a man can still legally rape his wife, in others non consensual sex is not even viewed as rape but…What is rape?

Rape is unlawful sexual activity, usually sexual intercourse, carried out forcibly or under threat of injury against the will of a person; however, under Nigerian law, both the Criminal Code and the Penal Code, the position is slightly different. It appears that only a man can commit rape and rape can only be carried out against a woman or girl.

BattaBox decided to talk to those directly or indirectly affected by the life altering crime; additionally, Odunayo sat down with Osowodi Oluwaseun Ayodeji, the CEO of Stand To End Rape Foundation (STER), an NGO, to discuss the controversial topic.

Have you been affected or know anyone that has been affected by rape?

You can visit: www.standtoendrape.org

You are not alone. Don’t suffer in silence.

Thanks for watching!

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  • Lisatbh 8 years ago

    i knew before watching this video that i would be offended. however. how
    can you say that a woman should dress modest because it is distracting for
    the man, but not teach the man to not look that way. a tv show i watched
    where this girl went to school without a bra and she ended up getting sent
    home becaue it was distracting for boys. but why can’t you teach men at
    young ages to be respectful. if you can tell a woman that her body is a
    temple, the man should be told the same

  • Afternoon Delight 8 years ago

    Rape is NOT about sex, it’s about domination and control…It also has
    NOTHING to do with what a woman is wearing…Realizing that this is NOT
    America but Nigeria, women should feel free to wear whatever they like
    WITHOUT some sicko making negative comments, being stalked or being
    attacked…Place the blame on the RAPIST, NOT THE VICTIM…

  • corbin fobbs 8 years ago

    I agree the mentality starts at young ages the how is debatable. so raising
    the children to be strong, content, & confident with themselves is part of
    the solution. I think we both understand a rapist is a predator and as such
    likes or needs to dominate lesser/weaker prey. so whether a women is
    dressed showing more or less skin the predator understands they can get
    what they want with either women.

  • ednutowaoa 8 years ago

    To the people who feel cause of rape is “lack of knowing God” or
    “inappropriate dressing” well one the catholic church (self explanatory)
    and women get raped regardless of attire/daytime plus that reduces men to
    walking sex beasts so to hold that viewpoint is not only disingenuous but
    is small minded. Cause and cure to rape in Nigeria quite simply (not an
    overnight thing) is sex education WITHOUT religion/god/traditions being
    involved and actual support avenues for victims.

  • Rashaenka 8 years ago

    Nigerians have raped their environment and their national +state treasuries
    since 1960 yet nobody gives a damn.

  • Ibidun Omisade 8 years ago

    This is so disappointing, especially when the host talks to people on the
    street. Rape is a issue of power. It has nothing to do with how a woman is
    dressed, nor religion, aka God, lack of religion does not lead to rape.

  • Grace Blackson 8 years ago

    I find it very disturbing that women blame their fellow women for being
    raped because of dressing poorly???😱😱😱 No matter how a woman dresses,
    it’s her body and nobody has the right to touch her!! NO is NO. Men should
    learn to control themselves. It begins at home. Fathers teaching their sons
    to respect women. We are not ‘objects’ of pleasure.

  • anthony doyle 8 years ago

    i was raped by a women and the law does not care because am a guy

  • Brodly Benzion 8 years ago

    why is the girl eyes so red? hope all is well with her? Good job .rapist
    dick should be cut off

  • Diana Connors 8 years ago

    I agree with what a lot of women are saying on here, although common sense
    should tell a woman ( especially in Nigeria) to not dress too provocatively
    so that her attire can not be brought against her in a court of law because
    even though a woman SHOULD be able to wear what she wants she will be
    accused of dressing inappropriately…….. I’m sure people have seen what
    happens when a mob of men attack a woman for apparently causing offence to
    men’s sensitive nature 🙄 they will then rip her clothes off and physically
    abuse her leaving her naked and terrified……the police couldn’t give a
    fuck …..the truth is if some man is intent on raping you it doesn’t
    matter what you are wearing or how old you are you will be victimised
    because apparently a man had no control over his DICK!! ……..
