Nigerians: Is Warri BETTER Than Port Harcourt?!

Published on March 9, 2017 by

Have you ever heard a Nigerian say “Warri no dey carry last”?

Well we have, so we sent our Warri presenter out and about to find out from the people of Delta State, which is better – Warri or Port Harcourt?

Here are some of their HILARIOUS answers…

“So right now we are in Warri and there’s a popular statement, warri no dey carry last. How true is that statement?”

“No Warri dey carry last now,” one man calmly states LOL, “My friends and I say, Warri no dey carry last because they no actually dey the race,” he adds.

“Those people that say Warri doesn’t carry last, have not left the Warri,” another man says.

What do YOU think?

Which is better Warri or Port Harcourt? Gist us!

Thanks for watching!

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  • Nigerian Warrior 8 years ago

    You don’t need subtitles

  • Rashaenka 8 years ago

    Eeeew, Ukraine is far better than this.

  • Cheryl Davis 8 years ago

    I don’t know anything about Warri or Port Harcourt, but I love the presenter’s accent…

  • JOE Ekeator 8 years ago

    hahaha dis interviewer and him voice tone shae 😀😀😀..supre supre: they should give him more platforms to be hosting shows ooo.. he can speak ooo.. what’s his Facebook or Ig name

  • JOE Ekeator 8 years ago

    it should been asaba vs ph ooo..not warri..’cos in all aspect ph is far better than warri…

  • MaryJaneButler formerlySyracuseYork 8 years ago

    Appreciate all the insight for all of Africa from here in the United States as it helps me in the perspective of my community “Africa & Environment – Informed Choice” all started from the oil problems I was informed about in Ogoniland from a Nigerian lawyer.

  • talk2me9ja 8 years ago

    The same family originally settled in both places before the arrival of British.  Great ADAOBI or Iyase’ N’ Ode’ of Benin who left Benin 300+years ago with massive population founded today Delta state.  His sons are among Edo people who founded South East with the exception of Efik and some Ibibio who originally settled close to Efik and where part of today Cameroon.  The one very prominent great ADAOBI grand son Ase’ settled in Warri business district and also founded today Onitsha.   Great ADAOBI great grand sons and families settled all over the area including some of the people who left Benin with them and then their associates who were driven to that area by the British as well as later arrival during the British time after the British war with Nana of Ebrohimi (Also called Nana of Itshekiri whose real name is Olu of Emu and son of Eken).  Port Harcourt was settled by the brothers and extended families of the man Ase’ in Rivers with Igban and Eken being the stand out of these families who settled in that area after Edo/Akpa war (My estimated time of the war was between 1830s and 1860s) and then later white colonialist first settled in that area then slaves who came with Jaja of Opobo who died on the way from exile and then when oil was discovered more white people came to that region and later Cameroonians and other Nigerians began to arrive in that area today.  But Edo people own the area.  Original Ijaw people were water nomads and couriers for British that is how they came to live in those area of Nigeria today.  Igban settled in today Bayelsa specifically Bonny or Ibani.  Eken Nana of Ebrohimi or Ithsekiri is brother to Ase’ and Igban.  Eken name was falsified by Ibibio people as a Ekeng so his settlement have been falsified to a Ekeng.  (They all has N’ to their names.  They may have had their great ancestors name before the N’ as the N’ does not stand alone.) They are descendants of their great ADAOBI or Iyase’ N’ Ode’.  the name which useless Ayamiri devilish Igbos have their degenerate women to bear his very revered name.   They are all children of Ije N’ Oro or Ijezue N’ Oro.  Some of his chidren from these men are residing in Edo North today.

  • Soccer Talk 8 years ago

    Presenter is a Pro, I like it.

  • creatingcreativity 8 years ago

    Warri may not carry last, but they carry fine boiz! laawwlll
