How Well Do You Know Your Nigerian History?

Published on January 6, 2017 by

History is one of the most important subjects in the world.

It tells us where human beings have been, hints at where we are going and reminds us where we shouldn’t end up again, yet – History is not a compulsory subject in Nigerian primary and secondary schools!

In November 2016, the House of Representatives rejected ‘A Bill for an Act to Make History a Core School Subject in Nigeria’s Primary and Secondary Schools and for other Related Matters’, that was proposed to make history a core subject.

So…BattaBox decided to send our presenters into the field to ask the people of Lagos various questions to test their knowledge of Nigerian history.

“How well do you know your Nigerian history?”

Here are some of the responses…

“About 65% and I’m not happy about that,” one lady admits.

“Not too well,” one man sheepishly confesses.

How well do YOU know your Nigerians history?

Thanks for watching!

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  • femiluv 8 years ago

    Ojukwu??? I’ll give him a pass on that one, he was Presidential to many
    Nigerians LOL

  • Igbos are Biafrans 8 years ago

    Is Nigeria a country?

  • Tony Beku 8 years ago

    Shocking not knowing your own history no wonder the country as failed , in
    the abundance of water the fools are thirsty 😡

  • eze-anayoayor nke izizi 8 years ago

    Nigeria don’t have good history that’s why they don’t teach much about it
    in SCH… Nigeria is a British company created for themselves.. if you know
    the history how Nigeria come to existence… bought by Niger company by the
    British in 1900 and expanded it by themselves for themselves in 1914 and
    called us a country.. yet there’s no coming together between north and
    southern Nigeria.. non of our elders were consulted or signed for any memo
    or referendum between us to come together as one…..yet people still don’t
    take time to study map of African in 14-18 centuries, and how people in
    African lived those days..

  • eze-anayoayor nke izizi 8 years ago

    Nigeria don’t have good history that’s why they don’t teach much about it
    in SCH… Nigeria is a British company created for themselves.. if you know
    the history how Nigeria come to existence… bought by Niger company by the
    British in 1900 and expanded it by themselves for themselves in 1914 and
    called us a country.. yet there’s no coming together between north and
    southern Nigeria.. non of our elders were consulted or signed for any memo
    or referendum between us to come together as one…..yet people still don’t
    take time to study map of African in 14-18 centuries, and how people in
    African lived those days..the name Nigeria don’t add anything to our
    cultures and believes as a Nigeria,our national anthem don’t have anything
    incommon to our cultures and believes not even our languages was added to
    our national anthem despite we re people with cultures and difference’s..
    south African and other African have their languages to their national
    anthem.. anything builds on lies can’t stand that’s why everything is
    falling aparts..and the worst was that it was a wife of lugard came up with
    that name Nigeria..that’s where get me much angry most..

  • Heavenly Beautifully Black 8 years ago

    I’m so glad you did this!!! Hello, the area of Nigeria was part of
    Negroland. But what’s powerful are the kingdoms on the old map before
    slavery. Check it out Nigerians. Google the map of West Africa before
    slavery and zoom in. It is a powerful revelation. Before 18002, 1700s,
    1600s, 1500s. Please do it!!!! Your jaws will drop.

  • Spoilt Child 8 years ago

    You cannot blame any Nigerian for not knowing it’s history. Nigeria does
    not teach it’s history in schools. It only teach it’s citizens a selective,
    pick and mix history. It totally avoids the history that it’s ashamed of.
    And some it tries to erase all together.

    No where in a Nigerian school will you be taught about the 1967 genocide
    against the Igbos.
    Nigeria recently fought a three year civil war which massacred over a
    million of it’s citizens including hundreds of thousands of it’s infants
    through deliberate starvation orchestrated by it’s federal government. Good
    luck in trying to find that history in any Nigerian school curriculum.

    As someone said at the end of that report, you are completely blind and
    “won’t know where you are going to if you don’t know where you’ve come

  • Afric Network 8 years ago

    great video! I have a youtube channel that talks about all african descent
    history, before alot of new west african countries (in which some were
    named and created by europeans) like the ghana empire, the mali empire, etc
    etc check it out!

  • Annie Special 8 years ago

    it would have been nice if you told us the answers too….like the first
    woman who drove a car in Nigeria.

  • Scopps94 8 years ago

    As a Scientist myself, there is nooo damn reason for you to not know YOUR
    OWN HISTORY. foolish foolish excuse, using being a science student as a
    dodge, do they make nigerian children do just one subject throughout
    secondary school? nonsense
