How To Cure Erectile Dysfunction In Nigeria

Published on November 18, 2016 by

If not, don’t panic, BattaBox’s Kayode sat down with Dr Francis from the Infectious Diseases Clinic to find out:

What erectile dysfunction is,
What causes a man to be unable to get an erection, and
How the problem can be treated.
“Erectile dysfunction is the inability of a man to perform sexual acts satisfactorily,” Dr Francis tells us, “It comes in the form of loss of libido, loss of sexual desire, getting an erection that you can not maintain for sexual intercourse,” Dr Francis adds.

However, if you would prefer a more ‘natural’ cure such as herbal remedies, dieting etc

BattaBox also interviewed a lady that sells herbal treatments for erectile dysfunction as well as other problems such as low sperm count, piles, back pain…

“Use this one every day and this one anytime you want to have sex…mix the herbs with pap or gin and your penis will be back to position,” she promises.

Do YOU suffer from erectile dysfunction?

Or ladies…Does YOUR partner struggle to ‘get it up’ in the bedroom?

Thanks for watching!

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  • shuaib mustafa 8 years ago

    I think am good to go,,, though not tested yet,,but do experience erections
    almost every morning n night…but my problem is how will my first time
    gonna be… lolz

  • Cheryl S.D 8 years ago

    Battabox, I like how u all consulted the book trained/ university doctor
    and the street herbalist…It was wise to seek polar opinions on such a
    private topic because not everyone believes in “Western” medicine or vice
    versa a street hawker’s remedies…Kayode did a great job presenting this
    touchy(sometimes embarrassing)subject…It is good to see Battabox finally
    bringing ” hush hush” topics to the forefront because many people suffer in
    shame and silence…Nigerians are notorious for trying to “pray away”
    certain ailments and that doesn’t always work…Prayer in conjunction with
    action is the solution( James 2:17) so shout out to Battabox for shaking
    things up in Nairaland…

  • Paul Adetunji 8 years ago

    battabox and dick pnssy problems all day every video LOL. The doctor didn’t
    really say the cures but they showed a woman selling herbs and powders that
    no one knows where she got it from or what they used to produce it or how
    clean those containers are. people need to be careful because things like
    this can ruin your liver or kidneys. Yes i know herbs are known to work
    with fixing issues but when it comes to targeted issues like blood flow or
    heart issues, you should be careful. Battabox you have a responsibility to
    ask your viewers to be cautious when taking these untested remedies you
    just can’t put stuff on the web and leave it for people to decide if they
    want it or not. you are potentially creating a situation that would leave
    people with higher medical costs for issues that could have been solved
    with proper diet and exercise.

  • Omari Monyé Truth III 8 years ago

    What is up with them putting the words on the screen now?

  • The Truth 8 years ago

    Go to the hospital, there are doctors trained to treat such short comings.
    I am done lol.

  • Melvin Redon 8 years ago

    Cialis sucks, viagra is okay usually, prolargentsize blows them both away
    by a long shot. for me, anyway.

  • Nina Player 8 years ago

    I promise 90 percent of American doctors would have never been able to give
    such a brilliant explanation

  • Steven Kero 8 years ago

    Not sure if it was a placebo effect or the pills themselves, but I noticed
    a tremendous difference. My erections were easier to attain and keep hard,
    and were a lot stronger in general. I perpetually leaked pre-cum. I left a
    trail of it in my wake like some sort of crazy dick slug. My stamina and
    control greatly improved. I could go for as long as I wanted and climax
    basically when I felt like it, and my loads were thick and bountiful. I
    highly recommend giving these Prolargent 5×5 Extreme pills a shot. They
    worked wonders for me.

  • fullofjoy 8 years ago

    I took one and my husband is VERY heppy with the results. He highly
    recommends Prolargent 5×5 Extreme.

  • Pat pat 7 years ago

    Anyone with erectile dysfunction open to a serious relationship, real Christian, with a good job, BTW 30-35yrs of age can reach out to me so we can adopt together. I want to be a celibate but sister catholism is not an option for me. Call me on 08073708547
