How Nigerians Celebrate Independence Day In Benin Republic

Published on October 25, 2016 by


To find out how Nigerians away from home were celebrating Nigeria’s 56th independence day and I must say…It was quite the celebration!

Green white green face paint was plastered all over smiling faces.

Families dressed casually in green T-shirts, white dresses…littered the busy streets, dancing singing and just generally having an amazing time in celebration of how far our Nigerian nation has come and BattaBox were right there to catch it all on camera for YOU to see.

“Happy Birthday Nigeria! We love you from Benin Republic! We dey wish you long life and prosperity yeah yeah yeaahhh!” one enthusiastic man sings into the camera.

“How does it feel to celebrate independence in Benin Republic?” Harrison asks the same excited man.

“It feels great! It feels beautiful! I’m so proud! I’ve never been prouder to be a Nigerian…I LOVE Nigeria and I can’t wait to tell the world about it!” he enthusiastically responds.

Harrison asks others the same question…

“+234 is so special to me!” one lady refers to Nigeria’s dial code.

“Anywhere we are, we are going to celebrate our independence…even if you’re in America you know? It feels so great!” another man answers.

“I LOVE my country and I am proud of my country!” a young lady covered in white face paint beams with pride.

“Nigeria is in our heart…without Nigeria, we can’t be here…it’s the best country in Africa…the best country in the world!” another man pounds his chest with pride.

“We know that Nigeria can improve but whether Nigeria improves or not we have got to get happy and know that this is our country!” one optimistic woman said.

“If we are to rate Nigeria out of ten what would you rate it?” Harrison asks the same woman.

“My brother make we just put five,” she responds honestly.

How do YOU feel about Nigeria? Is what we have built for ourselves worth celebrating at home and abroad?

Thanks for watching!

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  • BattaBox 8 years ago

    How did YOU celebrate Nigeria’s Independence? Did you party like our people
    in Benin Republic? Share your stories with us! Thanks for watching and
    don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE!

  • Emmanuel Uluabuike 8 years ago

    Isn’t this too late??

  • Sharee Kinard 8 years ago

    Do You Guys Accept Topic Request? If So Where Can I Send A Message Without
    Posting It Here In The Comments?

  • KUTV 8 years ago

    my Nigerians celebrating independent but not knowing what was singed for
    freedom by our fore father. England still control Nigerian indirectly femi
    wea get sense pass fedral government knowns!

  • KUTV 8 years ago

    what is bettraaaa, why not butter?

  • emmanuel uanseru (EMANH2S) 8 years ago

    great video guys i like how you are making batta box global

  • put you in your place 8 years ago

    2:25 3:04 whats up with the paint overload. na by force?

  • Cypha Stage 8 years ago

    Great job guys (Batta Box), someone made a comment suggesting this posting
    is late. Maybe so but that is only because of the wording of your title,
    which imho should have been “Celebrated” instead of “Celebrate” and also
    Date caption it as you may end up developing archives of these materials as
    time goes on. Just chipping in guys, Big Ups!

  • jiggar22 8 years ago

    If i am the president of Nigeria, i can fix Nigeria economy in 2 years the
    only thing i can do is to reduce the importation of things we use in
    Nigeria by doing this it will bring down high inflation we are currently
    facing and then invest about $1 billion in small and medium size companies
    to produce most of those product we import like Rice, Oil, fruits, clothes,
    poetry farms, building material etc. not only that this alone will create
    millions of jobs in the country it will get the country out of recession. i
    don’t know why Nigeria Government does not want to borrow money? while we
    have one of the lowest dept to GDP ratio in the world, there is nothing
    wrong with a country borrowing money even United State borrows money from
    China etc. if Naira remain as it’s today against the dollar and the
    Nigerian economy is fixed the Naira will become stronger again. the reason
    why Nigeria economy is bad today and Naira is weak is Nigeria does not make
    anything in mass scale we import over 80% of what we consume. our hard
    currency which is oil have dropped in prices due to America does not buy
    oil anymore and that caused the drop in oil price around the world which is
    currently affecting Nigeria today. as of now we need to be net exporters
    rather than net importers that’s the only way Nigeria will bounce back from
    this mess. the weakness of naira is not all that bad for example both japan
    and South Korea have weak currencies but giving the fact the make
    everything the use and the are net exporters of products and service it
    reduces inflation and keep there country strong. Nigeria should do the same
    and start Made In Nigeria brand. maybe know one will read this but i think
    this is the blue print that will solve Nigeria problem 100%
